Carel van Oosterzee


During my working life I got fascinated by existing (proven) business models that one was able to change to an even better model. Using new technologies and insights and bringing the model to the next level helping its users to improve results, revenue and sustainability. 

The switch from mechanical temperature monitoring to electronic data monitoring was a big step in the early nineties. With Cool Chain Solutions we exceeded that step by combining data with product characteristics and consumer trends. Our algorithms allow us to deliver actionable data in such a format that it helps all involved; from grower to consumer. The Cool Chain Solutions team is really enjoying getting more insight in the supply chain. I strongly believe it allows us to optimize the post-harvest or post-production part of the supply chain. It results in an better tasting product and a substantial reduction of food waste.

The fun  and also challenging part is that we already have a lot of information available. It is a matter of combining data flows and know-how. Then report in a way that the users can take immediate action after receiving the results.